If you have been wondering about how to remove deodorant stains from clothes all your life but still haven’t found the answer to it, we can feel you. And we also know the feeling of discarding your favorite black shirt because of those ugly deo marks that have gotten the better of it. But wait! Although finding white marks marring your outfits is disheartening, there’s always a way to get rid of those marks no matter how stubborn they are. In this article, we have compiled a list of methods that will help you know how to remove deodorant stains quickly and effectively.
1. Stain Remover
Thinking – “how to get deodorant stains out of black shirts?” Simply use a good stain remover to get the job done rightly. Spray the remover on both sides of the marks and leave for half an hour before rinsing it out with plain water.
2. Damp washcloth
Often, simple things work in the best way. A damp cloth works effectively in removing gentle marks left by deodorants and antiperspirants. Just make sure the cloth or rag is damp and not wet while using it.
Tip: You can also use baby wipes or microfiber sponges to eradicate stray deodorant marks off your clothes.
3. Lemon
Lemon is not just great for weight loss but is also an effective way to expel those stains from white-colored clothing. Well, you can use lemon in two ways. One way is to squeeze juice or lemon directly onto the stains. Scrub the cloth until the stains vanish. Another way is to blend lemon with water and then use it. Top the lemon water with salt and use it for scrubbing. Once the discolored area is removed, rinse the area and wash the cloth in the washer.
4. Makeup Remover
You have already got the gist of how to get deodorant off black shirt. But what about your colored bras? For this purpose, makeup-removing wipes can come to your rescue. Simply wipe them in circular motions on the stained area using a cotton pad. Keep wiping until the stains lift. Now wash the cloth as normal.
5. White Vinegar
White vinegar when used in dilute form is an excellent way to get rid of stubborn deo marks from colorful and white outfits. Begin by preparing vinegar solution by mixing vinegar and water in the ratio 1:4. Apply the blend onto the stains and now rub the cloth using your knuckles. Now wash the cloth with liquid detergent and plain water.
Another way is to soak the stained cloth in a bucket containing a vinegar-water mixture. Let the cloth soak for 30-60 minutes. Then scrub the stain using a brush or toothbrush. Finally, wash the cloth with hot water in the washing machine.
6. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide can combat almost all kinds of stains. Use it in combination with dish soap to get the job done. Simply mix about 6-7 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 3-4 tablespoons of dish soap. Blend the mixture well and scrub it onto the stained area using a brush. Keep scrubbing for a couple of minutes or until the buildup is gone. At last, throw the cloth into the washer to wash it.
7. Baking Soda
Baking soda is an incredible remedy for those annoying stains. The best part is that the ingredient is readily available. What’s more? It works effectively on old and dry stains. To use this method, mix baking soda and water in the ratio the 3:1 to form a paste. Rub this paste onto the stained cloth and let it stay on for a few hours before sending the cloth for a hot water rinse. You can also pour white vinegar solution on the stain before putting the cloth into the washer.
Use any of these methods to remove those pesky deo stains off your clothes. Stay tuned to our blog for more lifestyle tips and tricks.